Summer School – Frequently asked questions
How long is the school day? We open the doors at 8.30am each morning and pick up is at 4 pm. The day is divided into five 50 minute workshops, two snack breaks, and lunchtime. The day also includes a daily challenge and a performance from one of our mentors.
What does my child need to bring each? We have no catering facilities on site during the summer so each child must bring a packed snack, lunch and lots of water! If they play an instrument we advise the instrument is with them at all times. The Music Makers provides the loan of beginner instruments, pianos, drums and electronic equipment.
Who is the course suitable for? Summer school is suitable for girls and boys aged 5-15 of any or no musical experience.
Is the music-makers exclusive to private-schools? Absolutely not, we encourage children to apply from all schools. We have excellent facilities and tutors to share with you. Everyone is welcome.
My child is an overseas student, can they apply for a scholarship? Absolutely, we occasionally have international students apply and we can help you with the entire package. Please get in touch!
How we find out what they get up to each day? Stay in touch with our twitter for hourly updates, photos, and videos. We also send home a daily update included the best photographs and videos from the day. At the end of each week, we always put on a concert for you to see everything the children have learned. Finally, at the end of the week, you are emailed the weekly parent media folder which includes recordings from the entire week, all of the projects made and footage from the concert!
How do I apply? Applications are typically launched during February half-term of each year. In the first instance these are available to repeat students and open up to the public a week later
How much does it cost?
Please refer to our current year page for up to date fees
(Please note we do not accept childcare-vouchers)
Do you ever sell out? Yes we typically sell out before the Easter holidays. Further places are often added in June once a first draft timetable has been completed
I applied for my child earlier this year and haven’t heard anything yet? Please note, as stated on the application we do not issue receipts unless requested. If you apply, your child is allocated a place unless we get back to you with a problem. The parent information handbook detailing everything you need to know for your child’s week on the course is typically emailed out 2 weeks before the course start date.